Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Take it from me

With Thanksgiving coming up, let's see, TOMORROW, I just felt compelled to write about some advice for this time of year for you all. Over the last 2 years, I have been all to familiar with death. We've kind of become best friends, one that I have grown to not only to hate, but to somewhat appreciate. I have learned a lot from that little bitch they call death. A lot of things that I can give to you, to keep in mind this holiday season and really just every day.

1. PLEASE take lots of pictures. Pictures are really the only thing you have left when someone leaves this Earth. You would be surprised by how quickly certain memories of someone fade away. But at least pictures can help create a moment where time stands still for just a second.

2. You can never tell someone you love them enough. If you feel it, you say it. Speak it and show it. And NEVER stop doing it.

3. Stop worrying about the what you can not control. Seriously. It is not worth your time and effort. Just get over it and move on.

4. Don't ever be scared to start something new. Change is good. Change is hard, but it is good and necessary.

5. Be kind to people. It really isn't that hard. And you know what, sometimes go OUT of your way to be kind.

6. Love with no limits and no expectations. Love HARD. And don't be afraid to open yourself back up to it, even after a heartbreak. You'd be surprised by how much more you appreciate someone when you choose to do this.

7. I encourage you to call that person up that you've been meaning to catch up with... a friend, a family member....

8. Stop being so damn prideful, and apologize. Recognize when you are wrong. I bet it happens more then you are willing to admit.

9. PLEASE take a real pause and enjoy the small, simple things in life. Life is made up of all these special little moments that most people just overlook because we are too busy looking for something extraordinary. I encourage you to just take a look at the dinner table you sit at this Thanksgiving. I promise you that you will find what is most important is sitting there with you. Get lost in the moment, just for a second. All the sounds, sights, smells. Take it all in. Enjoy it.

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