Friday, February 11, 2011

I got my mind on my money, my money on my mind..


One of our biggest idols. Money. Crap. I am totally guilty of LOVING money, the idea of money, and LOVING all the things that money can buy! I find myself daydreaming ALL the time about things that I can buy; I even have a list on my fridge of all the things I need/want and will probably be getting in the near future.

I defintely have a LOVE/HATE relationship with money. By that, I mean I LOVE having money and spending it, but I HATE not having enough money and having to worry about how the hell are we ever going to afford a house,GRAD SCHOOOOOOOLLL, kids??!!! How are we ever going to get our life started?! You know, get all the things that you are supposed to get after you get married?!

Here comes the dreaded thought, rising up from the pit of my stomach like word vomit:

..Student loans..

But wait. That is not part of our plan! More money? Take out more money?! But we've already taken out enough! This isn't fair. We were going to save some money!

Money. Money. Money.

It is so hard to not think about it all the time when living requires you to have a lot of it. I think this might be one of the hardest things and will continue to be one of the hardest things to ever just let go of. Why is it so hard to be faithful enough to know that we will be taken care of, no matter how many dollllaaaas we have in the bank? How do you do that? Am I a bad person because I feel like I might not be able to EVER get over this?

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