Well let's just write a SHORT synopsis on my first pregnancy for my own documentation:
We found that we were expecting JUST before Thanksgiving! We drove around Florida visiting Jamison's family and then up to Orlando to visit mine. Some how by the grace of God, I was fine for WHOLE Thanksgiving weekend which allowed me to eat all that delicious food! The second we got back from visiting family, I became VIOLENTLY ill with morning/afternoon/night sickness. Seriously guys, it was the WORST 2 weeks of my life before I actually called the doctor. I was concerned that I was going to have to go the hospital because I couldn't keep anything down, not even water. Luckily, they make this amazing pill that helps with nausea and vomiting. It was so nice to be able to eat REAL food again. Let's just say, I won't be eating soup or crackers for a very, very long time.
Despite the pill, the morning sickness did not completely go away until I was a little over 6 months pregnant. I KNOW...holy crap. Now I am pill free and somewhat enjoying being pregnant!
Let's fast forward: I am now almost 30 weeks pregnant!! SO close, but SO far away! I am starting to become "bored" with being pregnant in a sense. I used to feel cute with my little baby bump, but now Liam is growing so much and will continue to grow. Now I just feel HUGE and I still have 10 weeks to go! I am getting impatient because I just want to meet him already! I can't wait to hold him and kiss his little nose and hands!!! His nursery is pretty much complete and now all we need is a baby to put in it!
I have also been getting very overwhelmed thinking of all the things to come. Jamison is currently and will continue to work 70+ hours a week, 6 days a week until we move to our next destination in March/April 2013. Ahhhhhh! I know Jamison will help out when he can, but I don't really expect too much help! I mean, in all actuality he is home enough to eat dinner, relax a little bit, and then go to bed! Luckily, I live MUCH closer to my family than I did in Virginia, so that is a big plus and I am sure that they will be a HUGE help!!! Let's pray that the next place we are sent to for Jamison's job is in Florida as well!